Información - Ayuda 
ID = 19446
Estados Unidos
Marca: USA - Tubes designated in the USA
Tipo:  INDICATOR, in general 
Idéntica a 6977 = CV5412 = DM160
Válvulas similares
Substituya normalmente -diferencia peq.:
Multiple differences or of other kind:
  KP-125 ; ИВ-15
Fuente principal (es)
Jun.1957 : -- Original-techn. papers. Electronics

Filamento Vf 1 Volt / If 0.03 Ampere / Direct
Descripción Bar indicator tube, specifically designed as indicator for transistorized computers. Blue-green bar lights when control grid is at zero potential. Intended to replace HV transistor and neon lamp combination as logic state indicating device.
50VDC at 0.5mA anode in on state; -3VDC on the grid is enough to cut-off plate current. 20,000 hours life. Subminiature tubular body, 4-pin flying leads base.
Amperex or other Philips related plants. 
Texto en otros idiomas puede diferir
Precios de válvulas 1 Precios de válvulas (visible solo para miembros)
Literatura -- Original prospect or advert   Electronics, June 1957, pg.65

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6977_so_1.png 6977: rtt
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