Information - Hilfe 
ID = 10618
Grossbritannien (UK)
Marke: Common type Great Britain tube/semicond.
Entwickler: Brimar (STC); Foots Cray 
Typ:  Vacuum Pentode   Endstufe 
Identisch mit 6AG6G = 6AG6
Austauschbar, kleine Unterschiede mögl.

Sockel Oktalsockel K8A, IO (USA ab 1935) (Codex=Udo)
Heizung Uf 6.3 Volt / If 1.25 Ampere / Indirekt / Spezifizierte Spannung ~ =
Beschreibung Stuart Irwin: The suffix G for "glass" is not mentioned in some schematics or in "Wireless World" valve books, Babani's Equivalent books etc. The 6AG6 is the same tube in glass. There is no US tube with this designation. As far as known by us, the 6AG6 / 6AG6G was only made in Britain - for instance by Brimar and by Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co. Ltd. in Chelmsford. The Brimar's parent, STC Australia, imported them despite that they then also had a valve factury in Australia - for communication types only. 
Sammlerpreise 2 Sammlerpreise (nur sichtbar für Mitglieder
Literatur Taschenbuch zum Röhren-Codex 1948/49   

6AG6G: Courtesy Bureau Belper (De Muiderkring, Bussum), Scan Frank Philipse
Anonym 10 Sammler

365_16.png 6AG6G: Telefunken Werkstattbuch
Wolfgang Bauer


Just Qvigstad
6AG6G: Manufacturer's Literature
Emilio Ciardiello

Verwendung in Modellen 2= 1938 ; 36= 1939 ; 7= 1940 ; 1= 1941 ; 2= 1946 ; 1= 1947? ; 1= 1947 ; 2= 1948 ; 1= 1949

Anzahl Modelle bei bestückt:53

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6AG6G (6AG6G)
Stuart Irwin

Hi All,

I notice that this tube is listed a a common type in the USA but I believe this to be incorrect.  As far as I can find it was only made by Brimar in Britain and was not known in the USA.  It was quite popular in Australia, being used on at least 46 different models.


Stuart (Australia)

Ernst Erb

Dear Stuart
Thank you for this important notice. The valve has been changed in the meantime - but I think we should let stay your notice at the valve here.

The reason is that the German "Röhren-Codex 1948" lists this valve on page 23 as USA-common tube - which may be quite wrong. We know that this otherwise very complete booklet is full of errors ... But often people tend to believe such books - and would again change the valve here ...

But before we close this matter I had a look at the 6AG6 and find a tube Silvania, made in USA as a picture - with a more modern base, not the International Octal. Either there are two different 6AG6, one from Australia and a later one from the USA - or the picture is misplaced (anyway). I think the tube admins will deal with this ...

I can imagine that there are still some more Australian valves placed wrongly as US tubes (?).

Here I thank you very much for your great work done at RMorg for Australia: You have entered hundreds of new radio models for Australia. If one clicks "Countries / Brands" at the search page one finds now 996 models for Australia. I can remember that just a few months ago there were much less than 500 Australian models listed. But you entered models also for other countries - in total 781.

You are a member here since one year only and have uploaded 123 pictures and 586 schematics and you show a very nice collection.

We are now 6300 members and show now 160 000 different models. The medium is therefore 25 models per member ...  In fact it is quite different: Most members have uploaded zero models, a very few thousands of models.

Jacob Roschy

Hello tube collectors !

I have serious doubts whether this tube shown under 6AG6 has anything to do with the true 6AG6(G).

The designation print isn't clearly readable. One can only estimate something like 6AB5, but 6AB5 is a magic eye tube with old style American 6 pin base. Anyway, the third character in the print is clearly not a G, and the fourth character is clearly not a 6 !

However, by its outer appearance this tube looks rather like a 6AQ5. Since it's almost impossible this tube is something other then a 6AQ5, we should move the picture to the 6AQ5 page.

Best Regards, Jacob

Emilio Ciardiello

Dear readers, dear Jacob,

I suspect that both 6AG6 and 6AG6G refer to the same tube entered with and without its suffix. I do not know if it was ever produced with an alternate bulb style.

Anyway I was not able to find any US production of 6AG6 in manufacturer's data books. The same Ludwell Sybley gives Brimar as single source for the 6AG6G.

Best regards, Emilio

Stuart Irwin

Hello all,

Thank you for your replies and thank you Ernst for you kind comments.  I've had a look at the three models listed as using the 6AG6 (not 6AG6G) and at least two of them actually use a 6AG5.  Yes I agree the pictured valve can't be a 6AG6.  It certainly isn't a 6AG5 either, it's too tall.  Looking very closely at the photo I think it could be a 6AS5.  The envelope size is correct and the third character looks more like an S than a Q to me.

Cheers, Stuart


Ernst Erb

Dear Stuart
I just activated the picture - and it is fine.
Now everything is OK for that valve. I introduced "Common porduction Australia" for other cases. Here it should probalby not be applied since it is a Brimar England production for export to Australia (only). According to Stuart Irwin there was never a tube production in New Zealand. He follows: "The "Wireless World" valve books always seem to leave off the suffix of glass octal valves as does Babani's Equivalents books." ...

"The 6AG6G was, as far as I know, only made in Britain by Brimar. STC Australia imported them, STC being Brimar's parent. STC did have a valve factory in Australia but it only made communications types, not radio receiving types."

We are sure now that there is only this production for this designation which is 6AG6G, sometimes referred to as 6AG6 for the same.

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