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ID = 3552
United States of America (USA)
Brand: Common type USA tube/semicond.
Developer: Ken-Rad, The Kentucky Radio Corporation; Owensboro, KY 
Tube type:  Double Triode   Audio Frequency 
Identical to 6C8G = 6C8 = VT-163
Similar Tubes
Other base and data slightly different:
First year 21.Jan.1937 Electron Tube Registration List paired with existing models from 1937
Successor Tubes 6SC7   12AY7  

Base Octal (Int.Octal, IO) K8A, USA 1935 (Codex=Uf) Top contact with a cap.
Was used by Radio/TV-reception etc.
Filament Vf 6.3 Volts / If 0.3 Ampere / Indirect / Specified voltage AC/DC

Double triode intended as voltage amplifier or phase inverter in automobile receivers.

Voltage between heater and cathodes must be kept at a minimum, if direct connection is not possible.

It is not recommended for series operation whith other 0.3 A tubes as the surge current may cause heater burnout.

Tube prices 3 Tube prices (visible for members only)
Information source Essential Characteristics, GE 1973   
Taschenbuch zum Röhren-Codex 1948/49   
- - Manufacturers Literature

oc80_g.gif 6C8G: RTT Schwandt
Günther Stabe † 19.8.20

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Just Qvigstad
6C8G: Original data sheet
Michael Poll

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Usage in Models 4= 1937 ; 2= 1938?? ; 6= 1938? ; 10= 1938 ; 1= 1939?? ; 3= 1939? ; 19= 1939 ; 8= 1940?? ; 12= 1940? ; 38= 1940 ; 2= 1941?? ; 10= 1941 ; 2= 1942? ; 2= 1942 ; 1= 1943?? ; 1= 1943? ; 2= 1943 ; 1= 1945?? ; 2= 1946?? ; 1= 1947?? ; 1= 1947? ; 1= 1949?? ; 1= 1950?? ; 1= 1954?? ; 1= 9999

Quantity of Models at with this tube (valve, valves, valvola, valvole, válvula, lampe):132

Collection of



Forum contributions about this tube
Threads: 1 | Posts: 1
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polarisation 6C8)
Michel Deluz

 La courbe de distorsion du 6C8 montre qu'il est linéaire jusqu'à environ -5v de polarisation si on le charge anodiquement avec 100kΩ. Contrairement à ce qui est proposé par RCA (-4,5v), il vaut mieux donc le faire travailler avec -2,5 à 3v de polarisation si l'on désire rester fidèle, ce qui limite évidemment son cursus.


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