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ID = 86915
United States of America (USA)
Brand: RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New York (NY)
Tube type:  Vacuum Pentode   Universal 
Identical to 6DT6S
Similar Tubes
Differences not known by us:

Base Miniatur-7-Pin-Base B7G, USA 1940
Filament Indirect
Information source -- Collector info (Sammler)   

Just Qvigstad
6DT6S: FIVRE Tube Manual
Giuseppe Feniello

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Forum contributions about this tube
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6DT6 S differenza dal modello standard
Giuseppe Feniello

Il modello "S" rispetto al tipo normale ha un tempo di riscaldamento più lungo, come indicato sul manuale Fivre.

The "S" type has a warm-up time longer than the standard model, as mentioned on Fivre tube manual datasheet.

End of forum contributions about this tube

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