Hits: 3022 Replies: 1
6F7M (6F7M)
Frank Van de Ven
28.Dec.11 |
All the Rogers tubes with the "M" suffix, have an Octal shell base, with 8 contact pins and 1 dowel locator pin. The Museum informations states 7 pins. The M series are all Metal Spray Shielded with contact to pin 1, which serves to ground the metal shell. There is also not a direct substitute for this tube/valve. A 6P7G may be used if the socket is rewired. Please see this PDF file for M series Rogers tubes. http://pacifictv.ca/schematics/rogerstubedata.pdf
Frank van de Ven
Emilio Ciardiello
29.Dec.11 |
Dear Frank, Many thanks for the information you sent. The tube base type is now changed to octal. If you have even a pinout diagram to load it would be fine. Emilio |
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