Antique radios, Old Time Radios
United States of America (USA)
Identical to |
= 6SQ7GT
First Source
(s) |
08.May.1941 : Electron Tube Registration List
Base |
Octal (Int.Octal, IO) K8A, USA 1935
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Radio/TV-reception etc. |
Description |
RMA registration dated May 8, 1941, with specs similar to those of 6SQ7GT.
Some receiver tubes with Octal-bases are designated either with no suffix or with the suffixes "G" or "GT". Tubes labelled “GT/G” are actually type “GT”.
The suffix “GT/G” on the tube (or schematic) is intended to indicate that the tube also serves as a replacement for the older and larger type “G” tubes (“GT” type tubes can always replace the same “G” types).
There are no significant electrical differences between any of the glass tube suffixes, or with metal tubes (Metal tubes have a built-in shield, of course).
Since “GT” and “G” are electrically equivalent, we have blocked “GT/G” labelled tubes for use in devices (Otherwise, we would need to include all other equivalent tube types on the model page, such as 12AX7/ECC83), and because the same tube would otherwise appear twice (in statistics, etc.). See details in this forum thread.
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1 Tube prices (visible for members
6SQ7GT/G: Manufacturer's Literature
Emilio Ciardiello
Just Qvigstad
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