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ID = 6404
Brand: Rogers-Majestic, Standard Radio Manufacturing, Rogers Radio Tubes; Toronto
Tube type:  Mag. Eye, 1 shadow angle   Indication 
Identical to 6X6_single-cathode
Similar Tubes
Normally replaceable-slightly different:
  Vi103 ; Y63
Other base:
Other base and data slightly different:
Multiple differences or of other kind:
First year Apr.1937 Electron Tube Registration List RMA release 111 (from TCA 13/3 page 11.
First Source (s)
01.Apr.1937 : Electron Tube Registration List
Predecessor Tubes 6S5  

Base Octal (Int.Octal, IO) K8A, USA 1935 (Codex=U)
Was used by Radio/TV-reception etc.
Filament Vf 6.3 Volts / If 0.3 Ampere / Indirect / Specified voltage AND current AC/DC

The original 6X6 was released by Rogers, Canada, on April 1, 1937, which is simply an octal version of the 6S5 . As usual, it has a single cathode for both the input triode and the CRT section.

In June 1937 Rogers registered a revision to the 6X6 design. This new 6X6 version was equipped with independent cathodes for both the triode and the CRT section. The triode cathode remained at pin 8, while the CRT cathode was assigned to pin 6, which was previously omitted.

Biassing the CRT cathode at a higher voltage (≥ 45V), while keeping the triode cathode grounded, increased the deflection of the shadow angle from 60° to 120°, which increased the utility of this eye tube considerably.

Apparently the production of the two-cathode 6X6 version was stopped after several years. Afterwards only the 6X6(G) single cathode version was available as replacement type.

British companies were at a great advantage to deliver single cathode 6X6 replacements, as there was already a number of equivalent magic eye tubes on the British market, like the Y63 , W1527, NR69, TI64, Vi103, CV1103 or 10E/305. They only needed to rename one of these tube types, and voila, the 6X6 replacement was there.

Text in other languages (may differ)
Information source Taschenbuch zum Röhren-Codex 1948/49   

6X6_single-cathode: Internet
Miguel Angel Trujillo-Rodriguez

420.png 6X6_single-cathode: Telefunken Werkstattbuch
Wolfgang Bauer

Just Qvigstad

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