
Información - Ayuda 
ID = 33507
Estados Unidos
Marca: Western Electric Company Inc.; New York (NY)
Tipo:  TR-switch 
Idéntica a 709A = CV2652 = 709-A
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Fuente principal (es)
1942 : - - Manufacturers Literature

Usada en Radar
Filamento --/--

Three electrode twin TR switch. The first TR switch was made in England around the mid 1941 at the Clarendon Laboratory. As switch it used the resonating horns of a Sutton early klystron, the NR89, filled with low-pressure water vapour. A similar approach was followed at the Bell Telephone Labs., inserting gas in the electrodes of an experimental klystron device, the 712A, forerunner of the 707A. The cathode and the repeller were then suppressed and replaced by glass caps.

Manufactured by WE and Sylvania. Used in BC-640A and in US Navy radars

Literatura - - Manufacturers Literature   
-- Original-techn. papers.   BSTJ, The Gas Discharge T/R Switch

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