
Información - Ayuda 
ID = 61909
Estados Unidos
Marca: Western Electric Company Inc.; New York (NY)
Tipo:  Pulse magnetron   UHF 
Idéntica a 728EY
Válvulas similares
Other characteristic (electr. data):
  728AY ; 728BY ; 728CY ; 728DY ; 728FY ; 728GY ; 728HY ; 728IY ; 728JY
Válvulas Sucesoras 728T  

Usada en Radar
Filamento Half indirect

728A - J family includes fixed frequency magnetrons from 900 to 970MHz; operating frequency is identified by a two letter suffix from AY to JY, spaced 10MHz from each other. Eight hole-and-slot cavities, double-ring strapping.

1000 to 1200 gauss, 19 to 24.5 kV at 19 to 28 A input pulses, 210 to 400 KW peak out.

All replaced by the tunable version 728T (4J51).

Literatura Tube Lore (I)   
-- Original-techn. papers.   BSTJ, Vol.XXV, April 1946



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