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ID = 2455
Brand: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes international!); Miniwatt
Developer: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes international!); Miniwatt 
Tube type:  Space Charge Tetrode   Universal 
Identical to A441 = B11_tetrode = B1_SIF = BR
Similar Tubes
Normally replaceable-slightly different:
  B9_Kremenezky ; Bigrille ; Bigrille-O ; Bigrille/BF ; D410 ; DG4 ; DG406 ; M20 ; R3843 ; R3843S ; R43M_4pin ; RA3873 ; RH4041 ; T_Adzam ; VO
Other characteristic (electr. data):
  A441N ; DG407 ; DM300_old ; KL70410 ; RE074d ; U409D
Other base:
  A441_UX ; Bigrille-Ampli ; DG ; MX40_Fotos ; Micro-Bigril
First year 1924 Saga of the Vacuum Tube, Tyne page 421

Base Europe 4-Pin B4 + side contact (Codex=Eu)
Was used by Radio/TV-reception etc.
Filament Vf 4 Volts / If 0.06 Ampere / Direct / Battery =

Heizung 3,4 - 4V/0,06A; Sättigungsstr. 10mA; Ruhestrom 6mA; Anodenspannung 20 - 100V; Verstärkungsfaktor 6; Durchgriff 17%; Steilheit 0,45mA/V; Innerer Widerstand 13000Ω; Anwendung: A.N.L.; Preis 1927: 15ATS. Daten aus dem WEKA-Katalog 1927, Seite 163.

Tube prices 1 Tube prices (visible for members only)
Information source Radios von gestern, 2. Auflage   Seite 227
- - Manufacturers Literature   R38H 1-2-1925
-- Collector info (Sammler)
L'ABCDaire des lampes de TSF des jeunes années

Nicolaas van Dijk

2_7.png A441: Telefunken Werkstattbuch
Wolfgang Bauer

Just Qvigstad
A441: own collection
Peter den Boer

More ...
Usage in Models 1= 1925 ; 1= 1926 ; 2= 1927?? ; 3= 1927? ; 5= 1927 ; 2= 1928?? ; 4= 1928? ; 9= 1928 ; 3= 1929?? ; 1= 1929? ; 9= 1929 ; 1= 1930? ; 3= 1930 ; 1= 1931 ; 5= 1932

Quantity of Models at with this tube (valve, valves, valvola, valvole, válvula, lampe):50

Collection of




B4 base, sidecontact.

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