
Informazioni - Aiuto 
ID = 15520
Gran Bretagna (Regno Unito)
Produttore: Mullard Radio Valve Co. Ltd.;
Tipo:  Triodo a vuoto   Power/Output 
Identico a AC064
Valvole simili
Sostituita normalmente - piccola diff.:
  HV4/1 ; SSHV4/1
Altra base:

Zoccolo Europe 4-Pin B4 (Eu A, E, 4A) 1914 (Codex=Eo)
Utilizzata per Radio/TV-reception etc.
Filamento Vf 4 Volt / If 1 Ampere / Direct

Heizstrom im Codex fälschlicherweise mit 0.3 A angegeben.

Bibliografia Taschenbuch zum Röhren-Codex 1948/49   

aco64_socket.png AC064: Mullard Maintenance Manual
Achim Dassow

Just Qvigstad
AC064: Mullard Maintenance Manual
Achim Dassow

Utilizzo nei modelli 1= 1929 ; 2= 1930

Numero totale di modelli di che utilizzano questa valvola:3


Discussioni nel forum su questo valvole
Argomenti: 1 | Articoli: 1
Visite: 1769     Risposte: 0
Infos zur Type AC064 (AC064)
Gerhard Eisenbarth

Bericht in der Wireless World vom 17. Sept. 1930 als Nachlese zur „National Radio Exhibition – Olympia 1930“ zu neuen Röhren.
Auszug u.a. über die Type AC.064
“Valve Improvements
On the Mullard stand, we shall see a series of new A.C. power output valves with directly heated filaments consuming 1 ampere at 4 volts. Not only does the indirect cathode type of construction  not lend itself particularly well to large output valves, but also the absence of a separate heater helps in making the provision of automatic bias a much simpler problem. These considerations have led the Mullard Company to market the AC.104, AC.064, and AC.044, who’s A.C. Resistances range from 1,150 to 2,850 ohms. The maximum anode voltage is 200, and a glance at the characteristics suggests undistorted outputs in the order of 1 watt. Hum will not be introduced, first due to the thick filament and secondly, owing to the absence of subsequent amplification.”

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