
Information - Hilfe 
ID = 56893
Marke: Van Horne Tube Company; Franklin, OH (see also Musselman)
Typ:  Triode (Hoch-) Vakuum 
  Spät aber sehr selten. ***
Identisch mit AC_vanHorne

Sockel USA-UX-4-Stift-Sockel (2 dick), ab 1924
Anwender Radio/TV-Empfang etc.
Heizung Uf 0.8 Volt / If 2 Ampere
Beschreibung Early AC tube. Because of the UX4 base it has either an half indirect cathode, or the cathode is of the filament type. Because of the filament voltage of 0.8 Volt, this type is most likely direct heated. Another example of an early AC tube with direct heating is the Philips C0805. 

Just Qvigstad

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