Information - Hilfe 
ID = 78318
Grossbritannien (UK)
Marke: Common type Great Britain tube/semicond.
Typ:  Transistor   Niederfrequenz 
Identisch mit AF7_BRC
Austauschbar, kleine Unterschiede mögl.
  AC151 ; AC156 ; AC192 ; OC75

Sockel Drahtenden

Aufbau/Material/Pol.: Germanium Legierung PNP;
Form/Case/Outline: TO-1;
Daten/ I F: __ mA; U S: __ V; Isp: __ µA; ß (beta): __; N: __ mW; Imax: __ mA; Umax(Uce): -__ V; f g: __ MHz; tmax j: __ °C;

This is NOT a specific transistor - it is a Replacement Classification System ID of BRC (British Radio Corporation Ltd.). AF7 stands for one of the following transistors: AC156, AC151-5, AC151-6, AC151-7, AC192, OC75, ...

Abmessungen (BHT)
inkl. Stifte/Spitzli
6 x 10 x 6 mm / 0.24 x 0.39 x 0.24 inch
Gewicht 1 g / 0.04 oz


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