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ID = 85680
United States of America (USA)
Brand: DeForest-Tubes
Tube type:  Triode, vacuum 
Identical to Audion_16-HighBridge

Base Edison (candelabra) 12 mm
Filament Direct / Battery =

In late 1915, deForest approached Robert F. Gowen to produce tubes similar to what McCandless had been making. At High Bridge they made an improved Audion, with larger plates, glass arbor supports and double tantalum filaments.

See Tyne's 'Saga of the Vacuum Tube', figure 7-10. From Tyne's personal notes he remarks he obtained this tube from George H. Clark in 1943. A second example also exists and is shown here on RMorg.

Information source Saga of the Vacuum Tube, Tyne   Page 119 Fig. 7-10

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