
Informazioni - Aiuto 
ID = 85859
Tutto il mondo
Produttore: Unknown to us - Worldwide
Tipo:  Triodo a vuoto 
Identico a Audion_replica_2

Zoccolo Edison big E27 = 27 mm Side contacts.
Utilizzata per Radio/TV-reception etc.
Filamento Direct

This tube is a very poorly made replica of the de Forest Audion of 1908. This tube was on display (with a small collection of other tubes) in the offices of Amalgamated Wireless Australia, York St, Sydney, for many years. Date and country of manufacture are unknown. The tube has an E27 (ES) base. It is mounted in a porcelain socket. The tube and the others were illustated in a pamphlet entitled " The Receiving Valve Story" The pamphlet was reprinted at least 3 times over the years. it was written by J. Mcdonald, (Production Engineer, AWV.

Bibliografia - - Manufacturers Literature   Undated pamphlet

Just Qvigstad



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