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ID = 80924
Great Britain (UK)
Brand: Cossor, A.C.; London
Developer: Cossor, A.C.; London 
Tube type:  Photomultiplier   Text 
  Ca. 1925 up to 1945 very rare. ***
Identical to Augetron

Base Other combinations of connections.
Was used by Technology / Measurement

This photomultiplier is believed to have been made by A C Cossor in England. No electrical information or other data has been located. It is fitted with a British B4 base at one end and a British B7 base at the other end. There are four side contacts (two screw terminals and one cap and on the opposite side to these, a wire prong). The one photo of this tube is on the National Valve Museum (England) website. Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Information source -- Collector info (Sammler)   National Valve Museum museum page



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