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ID = 85842
Brand: Métal; France (tubes)
Tube type:  Dual-Grid Tetrode   Frequency converter 
Identical to BW5_7pin
Similar Tubes
Other base:

Base French Bigrille 7 pin (Q, B5+2)
Was used by Radio/TV-reception etc.
Filament Vf 2.5 Volts / If 1.75 Ampere / Indirect / Specified voltage AC/DC

The manufacturer datasheet indicates:

"This tube can be delivered either with a standard 4 pins base with a normal arrangement and two connection placed laterally on the base for feeding the heating filament, the two normal filament pins being short-circuited and joined to the cathode, or with a base 6 pins bas, the two filament supply pins have a larger section.

The first base allows the use of the "B.W.5" tube on sets already fitted without modifying the connections. »

This seems not correct, as all BW5 tubes we know of to date have either a 5 pins Bigrille base with 2 side connections, or a 7 pins Bigrille base with five thin and 2 thicker pins.

Text in other languages (may differ)
Information source - - Manufacturers Literature   Datasheet Mars 1929

bw5_7_broches_vb.gif BW5_7pin: W.H.
Wolfgang Holtmann

Just Qvigstad
BW5_7pin: own collection
Peter den Boer

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