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ID = 1725
Brand: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes international!); Miniwatt
Developer: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes international!); Miniwatt 
Tube type:  Vacuum Pentode   Power/Output 
  Ca. 1925 up to 1945 rare.
Identical to C453
Similar Tubes
Normally replaceable-slightly different:
  3-453 ; C443 ; M453 ; M604 ; M704 ; W453 ; W506
Other base:
  C453_4pin ; C453_UY
Multiple differences or of other kind:
First year 1932 Tube leaflet collection E.Erb Analysis by original leaflets
Predecessor Tubes C443  

Base Europe 5-Pin , B5 (Eu O, F, O5A) 1928 (Codex=Foo)
Filament Vf 4 Volts / If 0.25 Ampere / Direct / Specified voltage AC/DC

Rüdiger Walz: The C443 was only in use for a short time. You can hardly find a working tube anymore. It was consistently superseded by the C453. Since output tubes are subject to the greatest wear, the devices are now almost exclusively equipped with the C453. We don't know any more precise structural differences. The C453 is slightly steeper and has a lower internal resistance. Anode current and power are almost the same as the C443. We should always specify a model with the initial configuration, not with the retrofit that later works name.

So the C453 is different, but that's what happened: the tube C443 has a gain of 43, but the C453 has a gain of 53. When an amateur swapped a good C443 for the new C453 in 1932 to improve the performance of his radio, things changed but nothing. As he scraped some paint off the top of his new C453, he saw C443 appear. Much fuss was made about this matter. In the end, Philips apologized for renaming a batch from C443 to C453. There was also a similar case with renamed 506 as tube 1823. But these were exceptional cases.

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Information source - - Manufacturers Literature   
Taschenbuch zum Röhren-Codex 1948/49   

C453: ficha de valvulas
Getulio Jimenez-Gomez

4_7.png C453: Telefunken Werkstattbuch
Wolfgang Bauer

Just Qvigstad
C453: RVF-Röhrenbuch-M1,1947
Anonymous 15 Collector

More ...
Usage in Models 4= 1932? ; 18= 1932 ; 5= 1933? ; 20= 1933 ; 3= 1934? ; 1= 1934 ; 2= 1935? ; 1= 1935

Quantity of Models at with this tube (valve, valves, valvola, valvole, válvula, lampe):54

Collection of



Forum contributions about this tube
Threads: 3 | Posts: 7
Hits: 1612     Replies: 4
Substitute RES164 for the C453
Donald Cochrane

Can you substitute an RES164 for a C453?



Donald Cochrane

Jacob Roschy

Hello Donald,

Unfortunately this is not possible, because the RES164 is much weaker than the C453.

The C453 was only of short lifespan, therefore it is hardly available today.

A useful substitute could be the E443H or one of its many equivalents, such as RES964, L496D, etc.

However, there are some minor changes necessary to match the E443H to substitute the C453.
To give some clues how to do, I need to know the radio, in which the C453 is to replace.

Best Regards,

Donald Cochrane

Hallo Jakob,

I am very pleased to hear back from you.  I have sent you several e-notes, only to have them come back.  Perhaps you changed your e-mail address or I have thw wrong one.  Either way, I am very happy to hear back from you.

The radio in question is a Philips 634A.  I have had a terrible time with this radio.  The on/off switch has failed and, the original pictoral shows 15 resistors down the side.  Wouldn't you know I have 16 and they look original.


Best regards,


philcokid @gmail. com

Donald Cochrane

Also recommende was the PP430?



Jacob Roschy

Hello Donald,

as direct substitute for the C453 you can use the PP430.

As C453 and C443 are at least very similar, you can take any types shown under “Identical to” or “Normally replaceable-slightly different” on both tube pages.

Due to spam attacks I was compelled to change my e-mail address some time ago. However you could have find my valid address here under my profile.

Best Regards,


Hits: 2385     Replies: 0
C453 (C453)et C443
Michel Deluz

Excusez l'erreur de sigle 

Selon les caractéristiques données par Philips, les tubes C443 et C443N sont différents, mais les tubes C443 et C453 sont électroniquement rigoureusement identiques avec une amplification de 60. La différence vient peut-être dans leur construction. 

Hits: 3231     Replies: 0
C453 (C453)
Peter den Boer

The original C443 had an amplification factor of 43, the C453 had an amplification factor of 53. When an amateur in 1932 replaced a good C443 for the new C453 in order to enchance performance of his radio, nothing changed. When he scratched some paint of the top of his new C453, he saw C443 appear. There was a lot of fuss about this matter. At the end Philips apologized for redesignating a batch of C443 into C453. As for defence they stated that the C443 was that much improved, that it in fact became a new type, the C453. There was also a simular case with redesignated 506's into 1823.

End of forum contributions about this tube

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