
Información - Ayuda 
ID = 85940
Estados Unidos
Marca: Western Electric Company Inc.; New York (NY)
Tipo:  Triode, vacuum 
  <1925 no serial production
Idéntica a C_Western
Fuente principal (es)
1914 : -- Original-techn. papers.
Válvulas Sucesoras H_Western  

Base UV-Base (4 Pins+Bayonet, USA 1914 WE)

Western Electric abandoned development early on for this tube. Called the "Lyre" tube because of the glass arbor construction. Instead of an arbor in front of and/or behind of plate structure, this tube used a glass arbor on either side of the plate structure, resembling a Greek lyre. This tube was intended to be used as a low power output tube for use in connection with loud speaking telephones.

The grid bars are vertical, in the same plane as the filament making this tube "co-planar". The filament was twisted coated ribbon.

Replaced by the Type H tube.


Just Qvigstad

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