
Información - Ayuda 
ID = 27724
Gran Bretaña (GB)
Marca: BTH (B.T.H.), British Thomson-Houston Co, Ltd.
Tipo:  Pulse magnetron 
Idéntica a CV120
Válvulas similares
Substituya normalmente -diferencia peq.:
Válvulas Predecesoras CV41  

Filamento Vf 6 Volt / If 7 Ampere / Half indirect
Descripción Echelon strapped version of CV41, high-power S-band magnetron, 10.70 cms. 23KV at 40A input pulses, 360KW output pulse power typical. Forced-air cooling required.
January 1942 early working prototype.
Operating wavelength:
A suffix = 10.56 cms.
B suffix = 10.70 cms.
C suffix = 10.84 cms. 
Literatura -- Original prospect or advert   Callick, Metres to Microwaves
-- Original-techn. papers.   

CV120: Manufacturer's Literature
Emilio Ciardiello

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