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ID = 47451
Great Britain (UK)
Brand: Common type Great Britain tube/semicond.
Developer: GEC, General Electric Co Ltd., GENALEX; London 
Tube type:  Pulse magnetron 
  Ca. 1925 up to 1945 rare.
Identical to CV1491 = NT98A
Predecessor Tubes CV1255  

Was used by Radar
Filament Vf 6 Volts / If 1.2 Ampere / Half indirect

This is the standardized code for the S-band magnetron NT98A, one of the four frequency variants for this magnetron.

  • 3030 to 3060MHz
  • 8A at 9.5KV input pulses
  • 8kW typical, 5 kW minimum output pulses at 1080 oersteds

In this family frequency selection took place on the test bench after the tube sealing off. All the tubes made were labeled as NT98 and the frequency suffix was added later with a different ink.

The development of the E1189 magnetron at GEC can be read at this link.

Information source -- Original-techn. papers.   
-- Collector info (Sammler)   

CV1491: Manufacturer's Literature
Emilio Ciardiello

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