
Información - Ayuda 
ID = 77824
Gran Bretaña (GB)
Marca: GEC, General Electric Co Ltd., GENALEX; London
Tipo:  Pulse magnetron 
  Ca. 1925 up to 1945 extraordinarily rare. Production was less than 100 items. ****
Idéntica a CV208_prototype
Válvulas Predecesoras CV108   725A  
Válvulas Sucesoras CV208  

Usada en Radar
Filamento Vf 6.3 Volt / If 1.4 Ampere / Half indirect

When at the end of 1942 design details on WE 725A arrived in UK, TRE asked BTH and GEC to design their own X-band strapped magnetrons. GEC completed the development of its E1487 in August 1943. It was 12-segment double ring strapped type.

Cathode diameter and surface were larger that that of the BTH parallel design, the MX57. Its power ratings were also higher: typical output pulse power was 45 kW with 30% efficiency at 3250 Oe.

It was accepted by TRE but GEC was asked to change some mechanic details, to make it fully compatible with the previous CV108 and the BTH MX57/CV209.

The early preproduction samples are characterized by the double glass stem for cathode / heater connections. Callick just gives drafts of the double stem type.

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