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ID = 25523
United States of America (USA)
Brand: Common type USA tube/semicond.
Tube type:  Thyratron 
Identical to CV2565 = BR-105050 = 2050 = BR105050

Base Octal (Int.Octal, IO) K8A, USA 1935
Filament Vf 6.3 Volts / If 0.6 Ampere / Indirect / Specified voltage AC/DC
Description According to an old 1946 cross reference, this code refers to the WE 205D and the two following codes, CV2566 and CV2567, refer to 205E and 205F. This also agrees with the presence of at least one more code, the CV2253, as equivalent to the 2050 thyratron.
To be better investigated. 
Text in other languages (may differ)
Information source Taschenbuch zum Röhren-Codex 1948/49   
Babani, International Radio Tube Encyclopaedia   

cv2565_so.png CV2565: ARRL Handbook 1972
Anonymous 10 Collector

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