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ID = 28328
Great Britain (UK)
Brand: EMI; Hayes, Middlesex
Tube type:  CAMERA TUBE, general 
Identical to CV280
Similar Tubes
Multiple differences or of other kind:

Was used by Military and/or Government

The CV280 is listed in the official documents just as "Emitron" with no specific type mentioned.

Emitron Camera Tubes were developed in the 1930s by EMI and used in the Emitron Camera used by the BBC in TV broadcasts in the 1930s and as late as about 1948.

The "super emitron" camera and tube is described in the pdf document from 1937 - see link below.


Documents about this component
  1937 article describing and showing the "Super Emitron" camera and tube. 2302 KB

You reach this tube or valve page from a search after clicking the "tubes" tab or by clicking a tube on a radio model page. You will find thousands of tubes or valves with interesting links. You even can look up radio models with a certain tube line up. [rmxtube-en]

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