
Información - Ayuda 
ID = 41258
Estados Unidos
Marca: Common type USA tube/semicond.
Tipo:  Half-Wave Vacuum Rectifier   Texto 
Idéntica a CV4021 = 3B24W = 3B24WA
Válvulas similares
Other class quality (otherwise equal):
  3B24 ; CV812

Base UV-Base (4 Pins+Bayonet, USA 1914 WE) Top contact with a cap.
Usada en Radar
Filamento Vf 5 Volt / If 3 Ampere / Direct / Specified voltage AND current AC/DC

20 kV PIV, 60mA average anode current. The tube has two filaments which can be parallel connected, requiring 6A at 2.5V; operation with a single filament is also possible at reduced anode current.
Ruggedized 3B24W.

Texto en otros idiomas puede diferir
Literatura - - Manufacturers Literature   
-- Original-techn. papers.   
Universal Vade-Mecum, Electron Valves and Semiconductor Devices

cv4021_so.png CV4021: arrl Handbook 1972
Anónimo 10 Coleccionista

Just Qvigstad


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