
Información - Ayuda 
ID = 16679
Estados Unidos
Marca: General Electric Co. (GE); Bridgeport CT, Syracuse NY
Diseñador: General Electric Co. (GE); Bridgeport CT, Syracuse NY 
Tipo:  Thyratron   Power-supply 
Idéntica a CV742 = FG67 = 5720
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Substituya normalmente -diferencia peq.:

Base UX-Base (4 Pins (2 thick, USA 1924) Top contact with a cap.
Usada en Militaire et/ou Services Publics
Filamento Vf 5 Volt / If 4.5 Ampere / Half indirect

This tube is a mercury vapour thyratron with an intermediate control characteristic. The tube is particularly designed for use in inverter circuits where a short deionization is required. While this tube has a British Services type number, It is not known if these tubes were made in the UK.

x 169 x 74 mm / x 6.65 x 2.91 inch
Peso 125 g / 4.41 oz
Literatura Taschenbuch zum Röhren-Codex 1948/49   
Universal Vade-Mecum, Electron Valves and Semiconductor Devices   Page 548

fg67.png CV742: Manufacturer's Literature
Emilio Ciardiello

Just Qvigstad


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