
Información - Ayuda 
ID = 57997
Gran Bretaña (GB)
Marca: Common type Great Britain tube/semicond.
Tipo:  Double Triode 
Idéntica a CV8431 = E180CC = 7062

Base Noval, 9 pin miniature (USA pico-9) B9A
Usada en Militaire et/ou Services Publics
Filamento Vf 6.3 Volt / If 0.4 Ampere / Indirect / Specified voltage AC/DC
Descripción Special Quality tube for computer use - can be operated under cut-off conditions for long periods without loss of characteristics.
Heater centre tapped - tube can be operated at 12.6V 0.2A. 
Literatura - - Manufacturers Literature   Mullard data
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Just Qvigstad


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