Hits: 2258 Replies: 1
Alexandre Lavoie-Girard
05.May.07 |
Hello my name is Alexandre Lavoie Girard. I have a tube of the type res5v0. It does not have any labels or marks and looks very similar to a cx1140. I would like to know if it is of the same type. It is a hydrogen thyratron.
Thank you! ))(-_-)((
Mark Hippenstiel
22.Jun.07 |
Dear Alexandre, without some further information (such as a good image) it's not very likely that your tube can be identified. The designation res5v0 strikes me as a bit odd. In any case, this is a type that has not much do with radios, and is therefore probably better known in other communities. If you provide an image (mind the size regulations, please) and some explanatory text, I'll be glad to send the link out to the TCA reflector where they might or might not know more about your tube. Regards |
Hits: 2313 Replies: 2
Alexandre Lavoie-Girard
03.May.07 |
Bonjour! J'ai une lampe de type res5v0. Il y a aucune marque. Elle est pratiquement semblable à la cx1140. Je voudrais savoir si c'est le même type. C'est un hydrogen thyratron. |
Vincent de Franco
04.May.07 |
Bonjour Alexandre, peut-être obtiendras tu plus de résultats en publiant un texte en anglais, ou allemand. Si tu veux, je peux t'aider à le faire et te fournir la traduction, etc. Dans ce cas, il faudra recréer un message en sélectionnant anglais comme langue, et copier le texte ci-dessous. Cordialement, Vincent English translation: Alexander is asking the following question: I have a tube of the type res5v0. It does not have any labels or marks and looks very similar to a cx1140. I would like to know if it is of the same type. It is a hydrogen thyratron.
Alexandre Lavoie-Girard
05.May.07 |
3 Merci! J'ai mis un texte en anglais sur le forum. |
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