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ID = 59798
Tube type:  Solid-State-Diode   Frequency converter 
Identical to CXY14

Base No base

Material/Aufbau: GaAs Gunn Diode;
Form/Case: (Pille);
Daten/ I F: __ mA; U F: __ V; I r: __ µA; U r: __ V; Po: 5...15 mW*; Ptot: 1 W**; Imax: 250 mA; Umax: 8 V; Noise Fig.: __ dB; f g: 12~18 GHz; tmax j: 150 °C;
Variants: CXY14A = 5 mW*, CXY14B = 10 mW*, CXY14C = 15 mW*;
CXY14D / CXY14E / CXY14F = Pulse Mode Gunn Diode (RTC), Ptot: 2 W**;

Continuous-Wave Gunn Diode - Gunn Effect Device, J Band -

Weight 1 g / 0.04 oz

cxy14_sock.png CXY14: Valvo Taschenbuch 1970
Heinz Höger

CXY14: Valvo Taschenbuch 1870
Heinz Höger


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