
Informazioni - Aiuto 
ID = 69679
USA (Stati Uniti d'America)
Produttore: Western Electric Company Inc.; New York (NY)
Tipo:  Triodo trasmittente, raffr. ad aria   UHF 
Identico a D-156548 = 388A

Zoccolo TRANSMITTING & Power-TUBES/VALVES in gen 2 Top contacts.
Utilizzata per Radar
Filamento Vf 1.5 Volt / If 9 Ampere / Direct

WE developmental code, later recoded as 388A. Graphite anode for improved dissipation. Grid and anode connections from base and from the top, to be mounted in the middle of the Lecher tuning lines.

Used in the pre-war radio-altimeter 1A to generate 5 W at 750 MHz. Advertised in Electronics, Jan 1940.

Bibliografia -- Original-techn. papers.   Electronics, Jan 1940
Tube Lore (I)   




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