
Informazioni - Aiuto 
ID = 75780
USA (Stati Uniti d'America)
Produttore: Le Radion; Chicago
Progettista: Le Radion; Chicago 
Tipo:  Triodo a vuoto   Pentagrid (old) 
Identico a Detector_Leradion
Valvole simili
Sostituita normalmente - piccola diff.:

Zoccolo UV-Base (4 Pins+Bayonet, USA 1914 WE)
Utilizzata per Radio/TV-reception etc.
Filamento Direct / Battery =
Descrizione This tube compliments Le Radion Amplifier. While the company was apparently based in Chicago, a box for the Amplifier tube (photo in Radio Museum) shows the attached tube detail label printed in French. It also lists the A - amplifier and D - detector tubes and their prices. The English version of the label shows "French Importers New York City". No confirmation has been located to state where these tubes were actually made. Page 358 of Tyne's "Saga of the Vacuum Tube" states that Le Radion tubes were made by the Chicago Lamp Co. The French book "L'ABCDaire des Lampes de TSF makes no mention of Le Radion 
Bibliografia Saga of the Vacuum Tube, Tyne   Page 358
-- Collector info (Sammler)   

uv_triode_tube~~26.png Detector_Leradion: Fin Stewart
Fin Stewart

Just Qvigstad



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