
Information - Aide 
ID = 79806
Fabricant: Pratt, Harry Preston, Radio Tube Co.; Chicago IL
Concepteur: Pratt, Harry Preston, Radio Tube Co.; Chicago IL 
Type:  Triode, vacuum   Detector 
Identique à D-1

Culot UV-Base (4 Pins+Bayonet, USA 1914 WE)
Utilisé par Radio/TV-reception etc.
Chauffage Vf 5 Volt / If 0.25 Ampère
Description This tube is covered in US patent no 2010463. The patent was applied for on March 31st, 1923 by Harry Preston Pratt and granted on August 6th, 1936. This 13 year period meant that the tube was well and truly obsolete by this time. The Muncie Evening News of December 28tyh 1923 carried an article on page 12 relating to the tube and shows an illustration of it. It differs somewhat to the original patent diagram. The tube was claimed to have three advantages over other tubes of the time: less tube noise, no distortion and it was free from inductive and static disturbances. This tube was clearly a diversion from standard tubes and it is quite possible that they may not had advanced much beyond the experimental stage. The illustration does seem to indicate that they could have been in production but only one tube has been located to date. This tube was known as a D-1 and a box and data sheet has been supplied. 
Bibliographie -- Original prospect or advert   Muncie Evening News Dec 28, 1923
-- Original-techn. papers.   USPatent No 2010463
-- Collector info (Sammler)

uv_triode_tube~~59.png D-1: Fin Stewart
Fin Stewart

Just Qvigstad
D-1: Fin Stewart
Fin Stewart

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