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ID = 28093
Tube type:  Pulse magnetron 
Identical to E1487 = CV208

Filament Half indirect
Description GEC designed derivative of WE 725A, introduced in August 1943 as plug-in replacement for CV108. 12 segment double ring strapped magnetron, as BTH MX52 and MX57, the GEC magnetron had a larger emitting surface, due to the increased dimension of the cathode cylinder. It could be pulse operated at 15KV, 10A with about 30% efficiency in a magnetic field of 3250 Oe.
E1487 was accepted for use in AI and H2S radar equipment, the preproduction starting from the end of 1943. Approved as CV208, it came with a single iron polepiece to be accommodated in the same magnet of CV108. 


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