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ID = 66523
Great Britain (UK)
Brand: Marconi-Osram - (Valves/Tubes); GB
Developer: Marconi-Osram - (Valves/Tubes); GB 
Tube type:  Triode, vacuum   Audio Frequency 
  Ca. 1925 up to 1945 no serial production. For instance only development samples. *****
Identical to E157_Osram

Base Europe 4-Pin B4 (Eu A, E, 4A) 1914
Was used by Technology / Measurement
Filament Vf 1 Volts / If 1 Ampere / Direct / Specified voltage AC/DC

Limited production experimental triode for use in early alternating current circuits. Developed at the Hirst Research Centre of GEC. One of these tubes was in the John Stokes collection in New Zealand.

Information source -- Collector info (Sammler)   

b4_1~~63.png E157_Osram: Fin Stewart
Fin Stewart

Just Qvigstad

Collection of



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