Hits: 3583 Replies: 3
E463 (E463) with B5 socket and side contact
Georges Van Campenhout † 28.4.22
23.Oct.11 |
Good evening,
In a NSF H48A radio, I found a Philips E463 tube wtih a 5 pin B5 socket, and with a side contact. Please see pictures. What is the exact connection schema? Possibly it is a wrongly marked E453?
Jacob Roschy
24.Oct.11 |
Hello Georges, I also think it is a wrongly marked E453. I never saw an E463 with that base, but we can not exclude this. Anyway, it's almost impossible to have a base connection schema other then the E453. To be sure, you can check the wiring of the radio. To be sure, what type it really is, you can only check this out by measurements with a tube meter. At first you apply 250 V to anode and screen and - 22 V to grid 1. If the anode current then is around 36 mA, it must be an E463. If the current is far less, then lower the grid 1 voltage to - 15 V. If the anode current is then around 24 mA, it will be an E453. Best Regards, Jacob |
Georges Van Campenhout † 28.4.22
24.Oct.11 |
Good evening Jacob,
I tested the E463 twice with my AVO VCM163, with the pinning configuration of the E453: pin 1 = a pin2 = g1, pins 3 & 4 = f pin 5 = k side screw contact = g2
Measurement settings were: Vf = 4V, Va and Vg2 = 250 V, Vg1= -22V and this gives following readings: Ia = 38 mA and S= 3mA/V
Conclusion: it has to be a E463, and it is in very good condition! The measured values seem to be better than the specs. Careful inspection of the NSF H48A reveal that the original B7 tube socket has been replaced by a B5 socket.
Beste regards
Jacob Roschy
04.Nov.11 |
Hello Georges, this proves that the E463 was also produced as B5-base version, probably only in small amounts. Hence I introduced a page E463_5pin, where you can upload some pictures of this tube. Best Regards, Jacob |
Hits: 3131 Replies: 0
E463 (E463)
Reinhard Hanschke
13.Aug.07 |
Neupreis 1938: 69,00 FFR. Lit.: Catalog der Fa. MANUFRANCE (MF) VON 1938. |
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