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ID = 82945
Brand: SFR (S.F.R.) - Société Française Radio-Électrique; Paris
Tube type:  Triode, vacuum 
Identical to E956

Base Top contact with a cap.
Was used by Transmittertube (Radio)
Filament Vf 13 Volts / If 25 Ampere / Direct / Specified voltage AC/DC

According to the Babani international radio tube encyclopedia the E956 SFR would be equivalent to the Tungsram OQQ500/3000 and the SIEMENs GRI (or Telefunken?).
But the heating data 23V 13A/13.5A is different from that of Brans' book 13V 25A.

Text in other languages (may differ)
Information source

E956: P.H. Brans Radio-Tubes Vade-Mecum 61-63
Patrice Zeissloff

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