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ID = 3425
Tube type:  Double Diode-Triode   Audio Frequency 
Identical to EBC81 = 6LD13 = 6BD7 = 6BD7A
Similar Tubes
Heater different:
Other base:
Other base and other heater:
First year Mar.1954 -- Original-techn. papers. see also models BX740A and BX449A
First Source (s)
May.1956 : Histoire de la lampe de radio
Mar.1955 : Philips Bulletin see also models BX555Z and BX555A
Predecessor Tubes EBC41  

Base Noval, 9 pin miniature (USA pico-9) B9A
Was used by Radio/TV-reception etc.
Filament Vf 6.3 Volts / If 0.23 Ampere / Indirect / Specified voltage AC/DC

Our first technical information shows March 1955 (Philips Bulletin). This is in contrast of a Philips Documentation in Dutch for the radio model BX740A, dated 1954 (in that documentation with number 93 981 75.1.22). There the EBC81 is listed as buizen B10.

The date is certainly in contrast with the US registration of the tube as 6BD7, 15 March 1950, and the date on the technical documentation released for the 6BD7 by Philips Australia, 11 November 1949. This inconsistency likely derives from commercial reasons, since for noval tubes Philips had to compete first on markets under more direct influence of American manufacturers, like the Australian one. In Europe Philips retained for the early fifties its rimlock line and only later it promoted noval tubes.

Part of the Innoval family, early noval tubes with frit-seal base sealing to envelope, first introduced by Philips Australia.

Tube prices 7 Tube prices (visible for members only)

EBC81: Courtesy Bureau Belper (De Muiderkring, Bussum), Scan Frank Philipse
Karel De Reus †

no60_1.png EBC81: RTT 1974 (Franzis) 13. Auflage
Martin Renz

Just Qvigstad
EBC81: Telefunken 1959
Robert Schmalstieg

More ...
Usage in Models 2= 1954?? ; 2= 1954 ; 3= 1955?? ; 1= 1955? ; 12= 1955 ; 7= 1956?? ; 9= 1956? ; 19= 1956 ; 8= 1957?? ; 18= 1957? ; 24= 1957 ; 2= 1958?? ; 16= 1958? ; 20= 1958 ; 3= 1959?? ; 17= 1959? ; 24= 1959 ; 14= 1960?? ; 14= 1960? ; 37= 1960 ; 6= 1961?? ; 10= 1961? ; 36= 1961 ; 9= 1962?? ; 6= 1962? ; 41= 1962 ; 2= 1963?? ; 7= 1963? ; 29= 1963 ; 2= 1964?? ; 6= 1964? ; 27= 1964 ; 4= 1965?? ; 4= 1965? ; 5= 1965 ; 1= 1966?? ; 12= 1966? ; 3= 1966 ; 1= 1967?? ; 6= 1967? ; 4= 1967 ; 3= 1968 ; 1= 1969 ; 1= 1970?? ; 1= 1972? ; 1= 9999? ; 2= 9999

Quantity of Models at with this tube (valve, valves, valvola, valvole, válvula, lampe):482

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Forum contributions about this tube
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EBC81 (EBC81) 1959 or 1957?
Mario Coelho
  1 Dear Friends

I try to create a new model of a CALYPSO MAMBO. Then  I noticed that one tube (the EBC81) could be invented in 1957, not in 1959 as is indicated in Rmorg, in this tube models's page.

The reason of this alert is  because in CALYPSO schematic diagram is written that this schematic was drawn in 1957.

I couldn't uplowd yet the schematic of this CALYPSO MAMBO because it was not accepted yet, but one can see the same tubes in CALYPSO schematic which was drawn also in 1957.

Also I've here one Mullard Radio Valve Manual printed in 1957 where I already can see this EBC81.

Best Regards


Jacob Roschy

Hello Mário,


by checking my documents I found the EBC81 in an original  Philips document from March1955.

In the French book "Histoire de la lampe de radio" the author quotes a French radio magazine from May 1956 that mentions the EBC81.


These documents are proof evidences that the EBC81 was already invented before 1957

Best Regards


End of forum contributions about this tube

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