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ID = 74144
Brand: Tungsram; Budapest (see also British T.)
Developer: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes international!); Miniwatt 
Tube type:  Triode-Heptode   Frequency converter   Controlling (mu) 
Identical to ECH2_Tungsram
Similar Tubes
Heater different:
Heater and shape different:
Multiple differences or of other kind:

Base Europe side contact P8A (Au P, 8SC) Top contact with a cap.
Was used by Radio/TV-reception etc.
Filament Vf 6.3 Volts / If 0.35 Ampere / Indirect / Specified voltage AC/DC

The heater current of the Tungsram ECH2 is only 0.35A compared to 0.95A of the original Mullard ECH2, which points to a considerable modification of the tube.

Since the operating data of the ECH2 differ only insignificantly from those of the ECH4, one can assume that the system of the ECH4 has been used here, to which the specified heater current 0.35A also fits.

The big bulb was probably chosen to achieve the height of the original Philips ECH2.

Text in other languages (may differ)
Dimensions (WHD)
incl. pins / tip
50 x 122 x mm / 1.97 x 4.80 x inch

ech2_sock~~1.png ECH2_Tungsram: RVF-Röhrenbuch-M1,1947
Anonymous 15 Collector

Just Qvigstad
ECH2_Tungsram: RVF-Röhrenbuch-M1,1947
Anonymous 15 Collector

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