Hits: 4047 Replies: 11
Mario Bermejo
30.Mar.09 |
I believe the pinout indicated for this tube is incorrect. My Philips tube manual shows filament in pins 1 and 8, not 2 and 7 as it is on the schematic diagram. Can we double check this?
Mario |
Hans M. Knoll
30.Mar.09 |
Hello Mario. I have look to Braans VADE_MECUM 1952. Heater on Pin 2 and 7 (Pinning on RMorg. is allright) Edit: see post 4.
EDIT: on BABANI 3rd Edition 1958/59 Page 103 says. Heater on Pin 2 and 7 Octal Socket
UCH4 ist also correct Heater on 1&8 !
regards Hans |
Mario Bermejo
31.Mar.09 |
This is interesting, I have two Philips manuals (FAPESA as it was named down here) and they both show the same info. here is a partial scan from page 128 of the FAPESA Miniwatt manual, edited by ARBO in Buenos Aires, 1968.
The other manual was edited in 1957 and has same info. Are we perhaps in the presence of a variant? Or a typo in both manuals? Note that similar tubes like the ECH35, do have filament in 2 and 7 as well as octal base, but this one is different. |
Jacob Roschy
31.Mar.09 |
Hello to all! Since the ECH4G was made by Philips, the Philips manuals must be correct. The Braans VADEMECUM is certainly wrong, it is well known to contain many errors. The ECH4G is fully unknown in Europe, most probably it was only sold in South America. It must have been very rare, because we still have no picture of this tube nor we have just only one radio set fitted with this tube. The base diagram shown on this Manual FAPESA is the same as of the UCH4, which is most reasonable. Meanwhile I have exchanged the base diagram, now it must be correct; it's drawn from the UCH4.
Best Regards Jacob
Emilio Ciardiello
31.Mar.09 |
Hi all, Regards, Emilio |
Mario Bermejo
31.Mar.09 |
I found a third copy of the Philips manual, same editor, printed in Buenos Aires in 1976 and it also shows the ECH4G with filaments in pins 1 and 8. Note that the ECH21, which has identical properties except for filament current and pinout, also has filament in 1 and 8. Mario |
Mark Hippenstiel
31.Mar.09 |
The Katalog Èlektronnyh Lamp (Praha 1964) has the ECH4G with socket O37 and otherwise identical data to the ECH4.
Mark |
Jacob Roschy
31.Mar.09 |
Braans VADEMECUM, BABANI, AVO VCM MK IV valve meter and Katalog Èlektronnyh Lamp can not be considered as being authentic as Philips is. One started with the wrong information, any others did copy. Mario can you please check in this Philips manuals about more 6.3 V octal tubes with heater on pins 1 & 8 ? If there is an ECH4G with that heater pinout, there also must or can be, an octal EBL1G, probably as well EF9G, EZ2/3/4G or AZ1G ? Jacob
Emilio Ciardiello
31.Mar.09 |
Dear all, |
Mario Bermejo
01.Apr.09 |
My tube seller said he does not have this tube. His stock system shows 1 but the tube is nowhere to be found. He said he will ask other tube sellers as well to see who has one to sell. It is indeed a rare tube! Lets see if we can find this tube! Jacob: I am doing some research before answering your question, give me a couple of days.
Stuart Irwin
28.Apr.09 |
Hello all, I've just remembered that I have an ECH4G, made in Australia. The heater pins are definitely 2 and 7, I've just applied 6V to them and it lights up. The ECH4G was used in some Australian radios. Please refer to the attached copy of a page from the Philips Valve Data Book 4th ed. 1952. Regards, Stuart
Jacob Roschy
28.Apr.09 |
Hello Stuart, these are good news ! Thanks a lot ! Since you've tested on a real-live ECH4G, the proof is obvious. This in turn suggests, the ECH4G and the ECH34 seems to be be fully equivalent ! Then the South American Philips / FAPESA manuals must be wrong, apparently the ECH4G was never used there. Also many thanks for passing the picture of your ECH4G to its page ! This is a big favour us tube / valve collectors ! Meanwhile I have exchanged the base diagram. Best Regards, Jacob |
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