
Information - Hilfe 
ID = 74299
Marke: Eveready (Ever Ready), AENMC / National Carbon Company (NCC); Columbia
Entwickler: RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New York (NY) 
Typ:  Einweg-Gleichrichter Hochvakuum   Stromversorgung 
Identisch mit ER1_Raytheon = 1_rectifier = KR1 = AD

Sockel USA-UX-4-Stift-Sockel (2 dick), ab 1924
Anwender Radio/TV-Empfang etc.
Heizung Uf 6.3 Volt / If 0.3 Ampere / Indirekt / Spezifizierte Spannung ~ =
Beschreibung Very rare tube with limited commercial life. The glass stem of this tube was the "4 pillar" style unique to Eveready and Raytheon receiving tubes 
Abmessungen (BHT)
inkl. Stifte/Spitzli
x 108 x 42 mm / x 4.25 x 1.65 inch

425_1_1~~1.png ER1_Raytheon: Fin Stewart
Fin Stewart

Just Qvigstad

[rmxtube-ge, noindex]

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