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ID = 77783
United States of America (USA)
Brand: National Union Radio Corp.; Orange (NJ)
Developer: National Union Radio Corp.; Orange (NJ) 
Tube type:  Numerals- and Symbols indicating tube   Indication 
Identical to GI-10
Similar Tubes
Other base:

Base SPECIAL TUBEBASE in general
Was used by Industrial

National Union introduced its 'Inditron' line of numeric indicators in 1954, well before the registration of the Nixie tubes by Haydu Brothers.

Each digit from 0 to 9 was connected to one of the 10 base pins. The base was compatible with any standard Noval socket type, with center shield used for the 10th central pin. No common electrode, but the digit to light-on had to be driven to ground potential while other digits acted as anode.

Information source -- Collector info (Sammler)   
- - Manufacturers Literature   


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