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ID = 22178
Soviet Union
Brand: Common type USSR (SU) tube/semicond.
Tube type:  Triode, vacuum 
Identical to ГП-5 = gp5 = GP-5 = GP5

Base Magnoval (9-Pins), B9D Top contact with a cap.
Filament Vf 6.3 Volts / If 0.21 Ampere / Indirect / Specified voltage AC/DC

Hersteller= Svetlana
In manchen Unterlagen auch mit GP-5 oder GP5 bezeichnet.

Tube prices 3 Tube prices (visible for members only)

ГП-5: Неисправности и настройка цветных телевизоров
Anonymous 413 Collector

gp5_sockel.png ГП-5: Daniel Consales
Peter Hoddow

Just Qvigstad
ГП-5: Daniel Consales
Peter Hoddow

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Usage in Models 1= 1977

Quantity of Models at with this tube (valve, valves, valvola, valvole, válvula, lampe):1

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Forum contributions about this tube
Threads: 1 | Posts: 9
Hits: 3923     Replies: 8
GP5 (GP5)
Jean Claude Terrat

Triode très haute tension pour la régulation de la source THT d'un tube image couleur.

Ce tube remplace le tude ED500 sur les téléviseurs PHLIPS et RADIOLA équipés du chassis TVC4 (90°-DELTA)

Hans-Thomas Schmidt
  2 Bonjour Msr Terrat, le GP5 n'est aucun tube américain. Il vient de Svetlana, St. Peterburg, Russie. Le transscription correct dans cette base de données est gp-5 (original : ГП-5)
Beaucoup de salutations, H. - T. Schmidt

Hello Msr Terrat,

the GP5 is no american tube. It comes from Svetlana, St. Peterburg, Russia. The correct transscription in this database is gp-5 (original: ГП-5)
Best regards,   H.-T. Schmidt
Ernst Erb
  3 Dear Hans-Thomas
Why then in capital letters? I have changed now to gp5 (small letters) and also from common USA to common UdSSR.
Mark Hippenstiel

Svetlana in their own datasheet (link to PDF on Jogi's Roehrenbude) dubbs this tube "GP-5" in roman letters, this should not go undocumented.


Hans-Thomas Schmidt
  5 Dear Ernst,

I have not written it in capital letters and no possibility to change it, because it was linked with this forum thread. Thank you for changing, but the correct transcription is with a dash, like in my russian data books.

Best regards,  Hans-Thomas
Ernst Erb
  6 Now I understand - and I have changed names.
I hope this is now OK - should we name Svetlana as a maker/brand?
Or is "common UdSSR" correct?
Mark Hippenstiel

I am refreshing this thread as my remark was left unanswered.

If a manufacturer designates a tube in roman letters in a datasheet that is clearly intended for the western market we can not possibly speak of a cyrillic designation.

Conclusively, the designation deserves an entry of it's own, very much like the Txxx Tungsram. types we recently (re-) introduced.


Jean Claude Terrat


Voici des photos de la lampe

Jean claude


Mark Hippenstiel

Bonsoir Jean Claude,

nous avons créé une nouveau lampe GP5, ainsi vouz puvez télécharger l'image du votre lampe à la page.

Voici une liste des lampes similaires que sont documentés dans

Now we have created a new GP5, which will hopefully soon hold the images Jean Claude has made.

Here is a list of several of these tubes in the system, and why we have them:

  • gp-5 - correctly transcribed cyrillic designation
  • gp5 - "dummy" (locked) so that the tube is found with the dash omitted
  • GP5 - RTC (La Radiotechnique) version of the gp-5
  • GP-5 - designation by Svetlana USA, see data sheet


End of forum contributions about this tube

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