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ID = 86302
Great Britain (UK)
Brand: Baird (brand) - John Logie, Ltd.(Television); Scophony-Baird; London
Developer: Baird (brand) - John Logie, Ltd.(Television); Scophony-Baird; London 
Tube type:  Photocell Gas filled   Text 
Identical to Grid-Cell_Baird

Base SPECIAL TUBEBASE in general
Was used by Radio/TV-reception etc.

The Grid Cell tube, consisting principally of small condenser plates immersed in a liquid called nitro-benzine, has the effect of turning the plane of polarisation through an angle, with the result that extinction of the light is not is not complete and a certain amount of light from the lamp passes through the second nicol. This particular cell has no inertia, and the amount of rotation of the plane of polarisation varies exactly with the strength of the signal applied to the plateof the Grid Cell. Furthermore, it has the enormous advantage that it will workat voltages such as are avaiable in any good wireless set.

By applying the received television signals to this cell; therefore, the amount of light passing out of the second nicol prism is proportional to the magnitude of the signal strength, and in this way a light variation can be secured, which is priportional to the reflected light picked up at the transmitting end when exploring the subject.

The tube itself has a 2 pin base and is supplied with its own projector lamp and control equipment,.

Plus see the advertisement below, in the Manufacturers Page.

Information source - - Manufacturers Literature   "Television" advertisement April 1934

Grid-Cell_Baird: Fin Stewart
Fin Stewart



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