Hits: 2374 Replies: 6
ГУ-17 tube to replace an ELL80
Omer Suleimanagich
05.May.20 |
Is there a simple way to replace an ELL80 with a Russian ГУ-17 tube? There are situations where two EL95 tubes (used together) can not be used because of space constraints |
Milen Gaigadzhov
05.May.20 |
Hello, you should make socket adapter for ELL80 to QQE03/12 or rewire all the connections of the socket...
If you make socket adapter, should put 100-150 ohm more to the cathode resistor and 1-3k resistors to the first grids of the tube to avoid oscillations - this should work. Also you should connect the heaters in parallel for 6,3V of the QQE tube.
Regards, Milen |
Jacob Roschy
05.May.20 |
Hello, there is already an article (in German) about substituting the ELL80 by a QQE03/12 (same as 6360), which appears to be similar to the ГУ-17. Best Regards,
Omer Suleimanagich
05.May.20 |
Yes, I came across that article too It is an excellent write up ! The only concern that I have is, the adapter socket illustrated appears specific to the equipment it will be used for, and is not a "universal" adapter I do like the use of varistors and a zener diode, but the use of resisotors seems clearer at first look. After taking another look at the thread that you refered me to, I will now look in to building an adapater with varistors and and a zener diode
Omer Suleimanagich
07.May.20 |
I understand that you have to change the pin layout and add cathode resistance to pin 7 out of ELL80 socket (150 ohms?) What pins would you add the ressitors to, relative to the ELL80 socket, if one were to use resistors?
Is this the right idea? the corresponding pins: |
Milen Gaigadzhov
07.May.20 |
the pinmap is OK,
7----->2 put 150 ohm resistor 2----->1 put 3,3k resistor 6----->3 put 3,3k resistor
The QQE tube is high frequency tube and surely will have oscillations without that 3,3k resistors... If still have, should change them with bigger values. |
Omer Suleimanagich
08.May.20 |
On a thread that was mentioned earlier here for adapting use of this tube, it was suggested to use two varistors and one zener diode ELL80 ГУ-17 1 -----MOV-14D101K---7 2 --------------------------- 1 3 ---------------------------- 6 4 ---------------------------- 4 & 5 5 ---------------------------- 9 6 ---------------------------- 3 7 -----BZX85C5V6-------2 8 ----------------------------- 8 9 -----MOV-14D101K---7
I am wondering if this adapter is as "universal" as an adapter that would use resistors The 150 ohm resistor would possibly cause a lot of heat, where as a zener diode and varistors would not What are your thoughts?
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