
Information - Hilfe 
ID = 30426
Grossbritannien (UK)
Marke: Marconi-Osram - (Valves/Tubes); GB
Typ:  Strahlbündel-Endröhre   Strahlbündel   Endstufe 
Identisch mit KT55

Sockel Oktalsockel K8A, IO (USA ab 1935)
Heizung Uf 52 Volt / If 0.3 Ampere / Indirekt / Spezifizierte Spannung UND Strom ~ =

Pa <25W, Ik <260mA, gm 20mA/V

Designed for low-voltage, high power audio output. The 15W heater power aids the good emission.

Can achieve 25W output in class AB with 200V supply for anode and screen; requires only 20V rms drive to the grids for full power output.

Despite potentially being a better performance tube than the popular KT66, a 6.3V heater version of the KT55 would have required some 2.5A compared with the 1.3A for the KT66.

Abmessungen (BHT)
inkl. Stifte/Spitzli
53 x 157 x mm / 2.09 x 6.18 x inch
Literatur Universal Vade-Mecum, Electron Valves and Semiconductor Devices   group 238 ( group 264 in 1994 edition)
- - Manufacturers Literature   

kt55_pinout.png KT55: From my schematic collection.
Pier Antonio Aluffi

Just Qvigstad
KT55: My schematic collection.
Pier Antonio Aluffi


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