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ID = 78135
Brand: La Radiotechnique (RT); Paris, Suresnes
Developer: Dario (tubes) - voir aussi La Radiotechnique 
Tube type:  Triode-Tetrode   Frequency converter 
Identical to Micro-Bigrille_OC = OC

Base French Bigrille 5 pin (D)
Was used by Radio/TV-reception etc.
Filament Vf 4 Volts / Direct / Battery =

Not sure, but it can be a short wave variant of Micro-Bigrille, from French 'Ondes Courtes'.

Information source -- Collector info (Sammler)   

bigrille_f.png Micro-Bigrille_OC: W.H.
Wolfgang Holtmann

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Forum contributions about this tube
Threads: 1 | Posts: 2
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Bigrille "OC"
Wolfgang Holtmann

Dear Mr. Ciardiello

You are right, the letters „OC“ stands for Ondes Courtes.

In the mid 20ies the invention of the Modulateur Bigrille by Ducretet had its limitations regarding the reception of waves shorter than 200 meters. The oscillations were not strong enough to obtain reasonable results.

The solution was simple, just add an additional triode for the oscillator part and connect it to grid1. This triode has a much better Transconductance and both systems are placed in one bulb!

The tube was produced by La Radiotechnique, Suresnes, France

Credit to Willem Breij. Informations retrieved in an older „Radio Historisch Tijdschrift“ The Netherlands.


Emilio Ciardiello

Many thanks for the precious and very comprehensive information. So far I had found nothing on this tube, not even the code.


End of forum contributions about this tube

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