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ID = 50539
Tube type:  IC - Integrated Circuit   Power-supply 
Identical to MIVR42055

Base Wires
Description Aufbau/Content: IC (__ Trans., __ Widerst., __ Kond., __ Dioden);
Form/Case: ~ TO-3, 3 Pins;
Type: 3-terminal positive voltage regulator (Micropac Series);
Data: U in: <35 V; U out: 5...28 V* +/- 1 %; U in min= U out + 2 V (drop out); Imax: 8...20 A**; tmax j: 125 °C;
Full name: MIVR42055-vvaa : vv = Vout*, aa = Iout max.** (05/06/07/08/09/10 V @ max. 20 A; 12/14/15 V @ max. 16 A; 16/18 V @ max. 12 A; 20/22/24 V @ max. 10 A; 26/28 V @ max. 08 A);
Manufactured by Micropac Industries; example: MIVR42055-0620 = 6 V, 20 A - 
Dimensions (WHD)
incl. pins / tip
27 x 39 x 8 mm / 1.06 x 1.54 x 0.31 inch
Weight 10 g / 0.35 oz

f41_3.gif MIVR42055
Günther Stabe † 19.8.20

MIVR42055: Funktechnik 8/80 S. 321
Egon Strampe


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