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ID = 53594
Brand: MS (M.S.) Appareillage / Lampe; Paris
Developer: MS (M.S.) Appareillage / Lampe; Paris 
Tube type:  Dual-Grid Tetrode   Frequency converter 
Identical to M.S.941
First Source (s)
Oct.1929 : - - Manufacturers Literature

Was used by Radio/TV-reception etc.
Filament Vf 4 Volts / If 0.06 Ampere / Direct / Battery =
Description Manufacturer : Lampes MS Appareillages M.S. 9 Boulevard Rochechouart Paris
Use : Oszillator/Mixer
Source : Catalogue october 1929 
Text in other languages (may differ)
Information source - - Manufacturers Literature   Catalogue MS octobre 1929

M.S.941: Catalogue MS octobre 1929
Patrice Zeissloff


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