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ID = 19386
Great Britain (UK)
Brand: Cossor, A.C.; London
Developer: Cossor, A.C.; London 
Tube type:  Triode, vacuum   Universal 
Identical to P1_Cossor
Similar Tubes
Other characteristic (electr. data):
First Source (s)
1922 : Saga of the Vacuum Tube, Tyne p.375
1922 : British Radio Valves - The Vintage Years: 1904-1925 p.29,30

Base Europe 4-Pin B4 (Eu A, E, 4A) 1914 (Codex=Eo)
Was used by Radio/TV-reception etc.
Filament Vf 3.5 Volts / If 0.7 Ampere / Direct / Battery =

Vademecum is in error: not 0.085 A, and not equivalent to RE074!
Plain top. For AF amplification and Detector.

Tube prices 1 Tube prices (visible for members only)
Information source Saga of the Vacuum Tube, Tyne   1925 Brown Brothers Catalog 217

b4_base_pins~~160.png P1_Cossor: Fin Stewart
Fin Stewart

Just Qvigstad
P1_Cossor: Banneitz, TB der drahtl. Teleph. 1927
Anonymous 15 Collector

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Usage in Models 1= 1922

Quantity of Models at with this tube (valve, valves, valvola, valvole, válvula, lampe):1

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Forum contributions about this tube
Threads: 1 | Posts: 1
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P1_Cossor (P1_Cossor)
Adalbert Gebhart

Good evening

I just found a tube that looks much like a Cossor P1 in an original Cossor P-Type box,

printed "P.1." on it.

The tube has the typical Cossor tin-hat anode and is obviously a bright emitter

(see picture @3,5V/0,8A). It has no coloured spot.


However, it differs from other Cossor P1 tubes in some respect:

1. It has a one-sided metal mirror inside - most of the others don't

2. It has a black socket instead of a brown one

3. There is no type information etched in the glass dome.

4. However it has etched in the glas dome: "VALCO Ltd.   REPAIRED   Wimbledon" (see pictures)

Maybe our english colleagues have information about this repair company and wether it might be a P1 despite of the differences.

Best regards

Adalbert Gebhart



End of forum contributions about this tube

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