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ID = 64161
Brand: Huth, Signalbau AG, Dr. Erich Franz Huth (Signalbau Huth); Berlin später auch Hannover
Developer: Huth, Signalbau AG, Dr. Erich Franz Huth (Signalbau Huth); Berlin später auch Hannover 
Tube type:  Triode, vacuum 
  <1925 very rare. ***
Identical to Plation
Similar Tubes
Normally replaceable-slightly different:
Other base:
First Source (s)
1924 : - - Manufacturers Literature Huth Hausschrift Die Antenne 3 (1924) H. 1, S. 5-7

Filament Vf 1.25 Volts / If 0.08 Ampere / Direct / Battery =

Plation is just a brand name for the tubes PLAV9H, PLAV9S, PLAV9D and PLAV9A, not an other tube of this family. These gridless triodes were developed so as not to infringe with the Lee de Forest patent (owner RCA) on the control grid. Instead, the plate close to the filament has influence on the electron flow towards the other plate (anode).

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Documents about this component
  Artikel in der Rubrik "Radio-Auskunftei" aus der Zeitschrift RAFA, 1924 Heft 17 S.349 206 KB

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